Ok how rad and sexy is Paco! Seriously - I don't know where my mom finds these Paco cards for my birthday, but they seriously crack me up! The card of Paco in his spandex is a gift enough for me! I will be praying for Paco!

Our cute friend brought vampire teeth for all of us to have! You seriously can't beat the hype of a midnight showing!

Me and my super cute mom!

Allison and Jana
Waiting in line!

Last night we went to the midnight showing of Twilight! It was so much fun! I seriously don't think you can beat a midnight opening with all the super fans! We played cards, took turns shopping, looked at twilight mags, and just basically hung out. They let us into the movie theater a little over 2 hours before the movie started which was awesome! Everyone was talking and hanging out and doing the wave and cheering for Edward. It was totally out of control! There were multiple count downs and lots of the slow clap that gets fast. But for sure the best was the high pitch shrill of all the girls screaming when the movie started and when they saw Edward. It was unbelievable! But it was also unbelievably fun!
1 comment:
Jealous again...your life is so much fun. I am a huge Twilight fan, but I am in Kosova! Actually, dvd pirating is the only way to get movies here so I am hoping that it will be here in a week...oh, I want to see the movie so bad!
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