Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pride and Prejudice

Some of you might not know this about me, but I love Pride and Prejudice. Actually I love all the Jane Austen movies. The dvd player in our bedroom always has Pride and Prejudice in it and I swear I have watched it a million times. Poor Jeff is totally over Mr. Darcy but I don't care because I'm not plus I don't normally watch it if he is around! So on my sister-in-laws blog there was this link to see what Austen character you are like and I think it is only fitting that I came out as Elizabeth Bennet (Kiera Knightly's character) who ends up with Mr. Darcy. Anyways - thought this was hilarious and that I should share. If you want to find out who you are like you can take the quiz at www.strangegirl.com


Maren and Dustin said...

Isn't that funny? I had no idea that you were an Austen fan! I love it! Just another testament to how great blogging is, and how it brings us all closer together.

Heather said...

Just so you know I was Elizabeth Bennett. No wonder I love you so much!!